目前分類:I love travelling (8)

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先謝謝一下UMC的同事Alice, 還有James及Emily夫婦,在這趟旅行中的協助及招待:)
我在抵達東京後在Alice的協助下住進了OAK Hotel, 一家感覺很像青年旅館的旅社.

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十分驚險又刺激的一天 :)
1. 送機的學長睡過頭..

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上禮拜終於收到美綪寄來的光碟片囉...這是去年年底跟美綪還有公司的其它同事一起去香港自助旅行的照片. 這次的與旅行社接洽的人是我,因為公司5000元的旅遊基金再不用到年底就通通歸零,所以硬著頭皮當起了接線生, 說實在的這次的旅行Timing不是很好,因為我那時正與可惡的AT陷入苦戰,不過再想也沒用,反正都這樣了,還是好好回味一下這美麗的時光吧~~
02_我跟美綪_在hello kitty候機室自拍,因為抓不到好的角度,所以背景好像不是很明顯_天啊

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Li-Mei, Megan,還有Phil的小朋友_還蠻幸運的,雖然有起霧,不過還算清楚的舊金山大橋Li-Mei @ Standford_後面是大教堂(Megan粉厲害吧,Phil堅持不入鏡,Megan三兩下就把它放進來了,後面那對父女是Phil和他的小公主)

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Finally, i am back from the two-weeks long business trip in S'pore. this is my 2nd business trip in UMC.
Okay, let's talk about something interesting in S'pore while i was there.

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    After flying for 15 hours in the sky, I arrived at the Schiphol Airport of Amsterdam finally. I can still remember that the last long flight was from Columbus to Taipei. It was 9 months ago. The both two flights' long are the same, but the feeling in my heart were quite different. Last time to the States was for living & no any presures for job, but this time was for my job with my division manager and other local colleagues in Holland.

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   After 8 months back from The US, a great friend came to visit last week. We had a great time except the crazy boiling weather. How can I say...I was so very happy for the friend's visiting. Even though my English is still not good enough to have a well communication with him. But I do enjoy the small vacation with the great friend.

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Taipei City again,

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