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Lily 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

先謝謝一下UMC的同事Alice, 還有James及Emily夫婦,在這趟旅行中的協助及招待:)
我在抵達東京後在Alice的協助下住進了OAK Hotel, 一家感覺很像青年旅館的旅社.

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繼在BOA沒換到日幣之後,我在搭機的當天就在 fort worth機場的換匯點換日幣.前一天看匯率大約是1:90左右.
因為搭機當天實在有點給它匆忙, 我換了錢之後沒仔細研究匯率..在飛機上才想到仔細看了一下

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十分驚險又刺激的一天 :)
1. 送機的學長睡過頭..

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Due to some reasons, i have to switch language from Chinese to English :P

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Today is thanksgiving. Sam, one of my global business classmates, invisted me to have a thanksgiving dinner with his family.
He has three kids, all are so adorable. I almost played with them all the evening.

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I just finished the marketing plan presentation tonight.
After the class, i got an email from an American guy, Gary, one of my group members, leaving me a message says:

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After a presention for MIS class one month ago, i will have another group presentation for marketing plan on this coming Tuesday, Nov 25.
I will introduce the marketing plan's financial issues. not really hard, but still kinda nervous, especially when students raise their hands for questioning @@.

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I will be going back to Taiwan for the upcoming winter break. ^.^

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